Biografia // Biography
Gustave Le Gray (Villiers-le-Bel, 1820 - El Cairo, 1884) fue un investigadory fotógrafo francés.1 2
Como retratista fotográfico abrió su estudio en la misma casa de la Rue des Capucines donde más tarde abriría su estudio Nadar. La falta de espíritu comercial y las limitaciones técnicas del daguerrotipo, junto al éxito arrollador de Disdéri, le hicieron abandonar el género del retrato fotográficopara dedicarse a otros géneros como la fotografía de paisaje o la fotografía de viaje.
Sus fotografías de paisajes marinos tuvieron un gran éxito. El resultado final era una combinación de dos negativos donde cielo y oleaje impresionados por separado resultaban fundidos en perfecta armonía. El dominio de la técnica fotográfica le llevó a obtener grandes resultados en este tipo de paisajes mediante la captación de cielo y mar en una sola toma, razón por la cual se le considera de uno de los precursores de la instantánea fotográfica.
Fue cofundador de la Sociedad Heliográfica y de la Sociedad Francesa de Fotografía. Posteriormente participó en la Misión Heliográfica encargado deTurena y Aquitania.
A Le Gray se deben adelantos técnicos como el empleo del papel encerado seco o la propuesta de utilización del colodión húmedo para un papelnegativo en su Tratado práctico de la fotografía, 1849.
En 1860 embarcó para Oriente asentándose en El Cairo donde impartió clases de fotografía. Se desonoce si fue enterrado en El Cairo o en París.
Jean-Baptiste Gustave Le Gray (French August 30, 1820 – July 30, 1884) has been called "the most important French photographer of the nineteenth century" because of his technical innovations in the still new medium of photography, his role as the teacher of other noted photographers, and "the extraordinary imagination he brought to picture making".
Gustave Le Gray was born in 1820 in Villiers-le-Bel, Val-d'Oise. He was originally trained as a painter, studying under François-Édouard Picot and Paul Delaroche. He even exhibited at the salon in 1848 and 1853. He then crossed over to photography in the early years of its development.
He made his first daguerreotypes by 1847.[3] His early photographs included portraits; scenes of nature such as Fontainebleau Forest; and buildings such aschâteaux of the Loire Valley.
He taught photography to students such as Charles Nègre, Henri Le Secq, Nadar, Olympe Aguado, and Maxime Du Camp. In 1851 he became one of the first five photographers hired for the Missions Héliographiques to document French monuments and buildings. In that same year he helped found the Société Héliographique, the "first photographic organization in the world". Le Gray published a treatise on photography, which went through four editions, in 1850, 1851, 1852, and 1854.
In 1855 Le Gray opened a "lavishly furnished" studio. At that time, becoming progressively the official photographer ofNapoleon III, he became a successful portraitist. His most famous work dates from this period, 1856 to 1858, especially his seascapes. The studio was a fancy place, but in spite of his artistic success, his business was a financial failure: the business was poorly managed and ran into debts. He therefore "closed his studio, abandoned his wife and children, and fled the country to escape his creditors".
He began to tour the Mediterranean in 1860 with the writer Alexandre Dumas, père. They crossed the path of Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Dumas enthusiastically joined the revolutionary forces with his fellow travelers. His striking pictures ofGiuseppe Garibaldi and Palermo under Sicilian bombing became as instantly famous throughout Europe as their subjects. Dumas abandoned Le Gray and the other travellers in Malta as a result of a conflict about a woman. Le Gray went toLebanon, then Syria where he covered the movements of the French army for a magazine in 1861. Injured, he remained there before heading to Egypt. In Alexandria he photogaphed Henri d'Artois and the future Edward VII of the United Kingdom, and wrote to Nadar while sending him pictures. He established himself in Cairo in 1864; he remained there about 20 years, earning a modest living as a professor of drawing, while retaining a small photography shop. He sent pictures to the universal exhibition in 1867 but they did not really catch anyone's attention. He received commissions from the vice-kingIsmail Pasha. From this late period there remain a mere 50 pictures, some of them as beautiful as ever. He probably died on July 30, 1884, in Cairo.