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William Henry Fox Talbot (Dorset11 de febrero de 1800 - Lacock,Wiltshire17 de septiembre de 1877) fue un fotógrafoinventor,arqueólogobotánicofilósofofilólogomatemático y político británico. Fue miembro del Parlamento inglés.

Creador del proceso calotipo (al que habían precedido sus dibujos fotogénicos), que patentó en 1842, fue uno de los pioneros de la fotografía.

Talbot fue el único hijo de William Davenport Talbot y de Lady Elisabeth Fox Strangways, hija del segundo conde de Ilchester. Talbot fue educado en Rottingdean , Harrow School y en el Trinity College de Cambridge , se graduó como duodécimo wrangler en 1821. Desde 1822 hasta 1872, se comunicó papeles a la Real Sociedad , muchos de ellos sobre temas matemáticos. En un primer período comenzó investigaciones ópticas que luego dieron frutos en relación con la fotografía. Publicó para el Edinburgh Journal of Science en 1826 un documento sobre "Algunos experimentos con llamas de color"; para el Quarterly Journal of Science en 1827 un documento sobre "Luz monocromática"; y para revistas filosóficas documentos sobre temas químicos, entre ellos uno sobre "Los cambios químicos de color."

De forma paralela a los trabajos de Niepce y Daguerre, Talbot obtuvo los primeros resultados de sus investigaciones fotográficas en el año 1834, al obtener una serie de imágenes de flores, hojas, telas, etc., por contacto de los objetos con la superficie sensibilizada, sin usar por tanto la cámara oscura. Talbot consiguió de esta manera imágenes en negativo que era capaz de fijar para impedir que la luz las hiciese desaparecer. A estas imágenes les otorgó el nombre de dibujos fotogénicos.

El primer negativo fotográfico estricto, no por contacto, lo consiguió en 1835, de una celosía en su casa de Lacock, en Wiltshire.

Tras estos logros comenzó a trabajar con la cámara oscura. En el año 1835 obtiene su primer negativo en un tamaño muy pequeño y para el que necesitó una exposición de media hora. No avanzó mucho en los siguientes años ya que sólo fue capaz de obtener imágenes pequeñas e imperfectas sobre papel y en negativo.

Al oír hablar del invento de Niepce y Daguerre se sintió estimulado para continuar sus investigaciones, a la vez que reclamó un reconocimiento público para su línea de investigación. Es por ello que dio a conocer sus logros a los medios científicos británicos leyendo Michael Faraday ante la Royal Society de Londres una comunicación titulada "Algo sobre el dibujo fotogenico" e incluso se los hizo ver al político francés François Arago, quien pudo comprobar que estas imágenes imperfectas no podían ser comparadas a las realizadas por Daguerre.

Durante los años 1840 y 1841 obtuvo mejoras importantes en sus investigaciones razón por la cual dio a conocer públicamente su Calotipo con el que se podían realizar copias innumerables de un único negativo.

Las imágenes positivas obtenidas mediante el Calotipo son poco nítidas y además oscuras y carecen de una escala de grises a diferencia del Daguerrotipo. Sin embargo, resulta ser un procedimiento más económico y más fácil de utilizar, requiriendo además de un tiempo de exposición de unos treinta segundos.

A Talbot se debe también la publicación del primer libro ilustrado con fotos de la historia. Titulado El lápiz de la naturaleza, 1844, resulta ser una biografía de su autor escrita para presentarnos su invento, las fotos que en él se recogen son pegadas.

Inglés / English

William Henry Fox Talbot (11 February 1800 – 17 September 1877) was a British scientist, inventor and photography pioneer who invented the salted paper and calotype processes, precursors to photographic processes of the later 19th and 20th centuries. His work in the 1840s on photomechanical reproduction led to the creation of the photoglyphic engraving process, the precursor to photogravure. He was the holder of a controversial patent which affected the early development of commercial photography in Britain. He was also a noted photographer who contributed to the development of photography as an artistic medium. He published The Pencil of Nature (1844–46), which was illustrated with original salted paper prints from his calotype negatives, and made some important early photographs of Oxford, Paris, Reading, and York.

Talbot was the only child of William Davenport Talbot, of Lacock Abbey, near Chippenham, Wiltshire, and of Lady Elisabeth Fox Strangways, daughter of the 2nd Earl of Ilchester. Talbot was educated at RottingdeanHarrow Schooland at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was awarded the Porson Prize in Classics in 1820, and graduated as twelfth wrangler in 1821. From 1822 to 1872, he communicated papers to the Royal Society, many of them on mathematical subjects. At an early period, he began optical researches, which later bore fruit in connection with photography. To the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal in 1826 he contributed a paper on "Some Experiments on Coloured Flame"; to the Quarterly Journal of Science in 1827 a paper on "Monochromatic Light"; and to thePhilosophical Magazine papers on chemical subjects, including one on "Chemical Changes of Color."

Talbot invented the first process for creating reasonably light-fast and permanent photographs that was made available to the public, although his was neither the first such process invented nor the first one publicly announced.  

Shortly after Louis Daguerre's invention of the daguerreotype was announced in early January 1839, without details, Talbot asserted priority of invention based on experiments he had begun in early 1834. At a meeting of the Royal Institution on 25 January 1839, Talbot exhibited several paper photographs he had made in 1835. Within a fortnight, he communicated the general nature of his process to the Royal Society, followed by more complete details a few weeks later. Daguerre did not publicly reveal any useful details until mid-August, although by the spring it had become clear that his process and Talbot's were very different.

Talbot's early "salted paper" or "photogenic drawing" process used writing paper bathed in a weak solution of ordinary table salt (sodium chloride), dried, then brushed on one side with a strong solution of silver nitrate, which created a tenacious coating of very light-sensitive silver chloride that darkened where it was exposed to light. Whether used to create shadow image photograms by placing objects on it and setting it out in the sunlight, or to capture the dim images formed by a lens in a camera, it was a "printing out" process, meaning that the exposure had to continue until the desired degree of darkening had been produced. In the case of camera images, that could require an exposure of an hour or two if something more than a silhouette of objects against a bright sky was wanted. Earlier experimenters such as Thomas Wedgwood and Nicéphore Niépce had captured shadows and camera images with silver salts years before, but they could find no way to prevent their photographs from fatally darkening all over when exposed to daylight. Talbot devised several ways of chemically stabilizing his results, making them sufficiently insensitive to further exposure that direct sunlight could be used to print the negative image produced in the camera onto another sheet of salted paper, creating a positive.

The "calotype", or "talbotype", was a "developing out" process, Talbot's improvement of his earlier photogenic drawing process by the use of a different silver salt (silver iodide instead of silver chloride) and a developing agent (gallic acid and silver nitrate) to bring out an invisibly slight "latent" image on the exposed paper. This reduced the required exposure time in the camera to only a minute or two for subjects in bright sunlight. The translucent calotype negative made it possible to produce as many positive prints as desired by simple contact printing, whereas the daguerreotype was an opaque direct positive that could only be reproduced by copying it with a camera. On the other hand, the calotype, despite waxing of the negative to make the image clearer, still was not pin-sharp like the metallic daguerreotype, because the paper fibres degraded the printed image. The simpler salted paper process was normally used when making prints from calotype negatives.

Talbot announced his calotype process in 1841, and in August he licensed Henry Collen, the miniature painter, as the first professional calotypist. The most celebrated practitioners of the process are Hill & Adamson. Another notable calotypist is Levett Landon Boscawen Ibbetson.

In 1842, Talbot received the Rumford Medal of the Royal Society for his photographic discoveries.

In 1852, Talbot discovered that gelatine treated with potassium dichromate, a sensitiser introduced by Mungo Ponton in 1839, is made less soluble by exposure to light. This later provided the basis for the important carbon printing process and related technologies. Dichromated gelatine is still used for some laser holography.

Talbot's later photographic work was concentrated on photomechanical reproduction methods. In addition to making the mass reproduction of photographic images more practical and much less expensive, rendering a photograph into ink on paper, known to be permanent on a scale of hundreds if not thousands of years, was clearly one sure way to avoid the problems with fading that had soon become apparent in early types of silver image paper prints. Talbot created the photoglyphic (or "photoglyptic") engraving process, later perfected by others as the photogravure process.

Daguerre's work on his process had commenced at about the same time as Talbot's earliest work on his salted paper process. In 1839, Daguerre's agent applied for English and Scottish patents only a matter of days before France, having granted Daguerre a pension for it, declared his invention "free to the world". The United Kingdom and the British "Colonies and Plantations abroad" therefore became the only places where a licence was legally required to make and sell daguerreotypes. This exception is now usually regarded as both an expression of old national animosities, still smouldering just 24 years after Waterloo, and a reaction to Talbot's initial aggressive assertion of an extremely broad claim of priority of invention. Talbot never attempted to patent any part of his printed-out silver chloride "photogenic drawing" process.

In February 1841, Talbot obtained an English patent for his developed-out calotype process. At first, he sold individual patentlicences for £20 each; later, he lowered the fee for amateur use to £4. Professional photographers, however, had to pay up to £300 annually. In a business climate where many patent holders were attacked for enforcing their rights, and an academic world that viewed the patenting of new discoveries as a crass hindrance to scientific freedom and further progress, Talbot's behaviour was widely criticised. One reason Talbot later gave for vigorously enforcing his rights was that he had spent, according to his own reckoning, about £5,000 on his various photographic endeavours over the years and wanted to at least recoup his expenses.

In 1844, Talbot helped set up an establishment in Baker Street, Reading, for mass-producing salted paper prints from his calotype negatives. The Reading Establishment, as it was known, also offered services to the public, making prints from others' negatives, copying artwork and documents, and taking portraits at its studio. The enterprise was not a success.

In 1851, the year of Daguerre's death, Frederick Scott Archer publicised the wet collodion process, which made it practical to use glass instead of paper as the support for making the camera negative. The lack of detail often criticised in prints made from calotype negatives was overcome, and sharp images, comparable in degree of detail to daguerreotypes, could at last be provided by convenient paper prints. The collodion process soon replaced the calotype in commercial use, and by the end of the decade the daguerreotype was virtually extinct as well.

Asserting a very broad interpretation of his patent rights, Talbot declared that anyone using the collodion process would still need to get a calotype licence.

In August 1852, The Times published an open letter by Lord Rosse, the president of the Royal Society, and Charles Lock Eastlake, the president of the Royal Academy, who called on Talbot to relieve the patent pressure that was perceived as stifling the development of photography. Talbot agreed to waive licensing fees for amateurs, but he continued to pursue professional portrait photographers, having filed several lawsuits.

In 1854, Talbot applied for an extension of the 14-year patent. At that time, one of his lawsuits, against photographer Martin Laroche, was heard in court. The Talbot v. Laroche case proved to be pivotal. Laroche's side argued that the patent was invalid, as a similar process had been invented earlier by Joseph Reade, and that using the collodion process did not infringe the calotype patent in any case, because of significant differences between the two processes. In the verdict, the jury upheld the calotype patent but agreed that Laroche was not infringing upon it by using the collodion process. Disappointed by the outcome, Talbot chose not to extend his patent.

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